Saturday, 26 February 2011

TV Documentaries

A few days ago I caught onto the Human Planet series which is currently airing on BBC. Unfortunately, it was the 7th of 8 total episodes so I've missed most of the series, but the one episode which I watched was superb.

It was about Rivers. It was incredible to not only see how important these are to life everywhere, but also how unpredictable and powerful they can be. The effort put into making these documentaries is also extremely high.

I certainly suggest for everyone to watch the series when they get the chance - I'm currently catching up on it myself.

Whilst this isn't the Human Planet, I found it on YouTube and just had to share it:


Tyrone said...

Pretty incredible to see the effects of erosion over many years. New landscapes are carved over time with a fast flowing river or waterfall.

Zoupic Music said...


Anonymous said...


Nina said...

Large bodies of water, even rivers, scare me. >.>

Anonymous said...

Honestly, our planet is so beautiful. I would love to just leave the city for a few days and stay in the wilderness... aka camping LOL. Can't wait for the summer, I NEED to go camping and get in tune with nature.

Akara said...

i love watching high def eyecandy docs

Jonny said...

I've always been a fan of NG.

elferno said...

I love documentaries. I'll check this one out when I get a chance.

Kyle Shankin said...

Sure is amazing how all of this happens. Following ;)

Anonymous said...

Documentaries are the only thing worth watching on TV these days. Nice post. You've earned yourself another follower.

ed said...

i usually watch documentaries while i eat at home

Hom Diddly said...

I love a good documentary and haven't seen this series. I'll have to check it out.

Piepants said...

Man that's beautiful, but so dangerous, haha. Although I guess the fish don't mind the danger? Interesting vid, thanks.

Kris159 said...

Thank you for posting, I LOVE documentaries, Planet Earth from BBC was also one of my all time favorites.

Triper said...

Great documents, wooow

Paul Johannsen said...

Nice videos.. thanks for sharing

Patti D. said...

those videos are supper pretty, makes me sad to be in an office and not outdoors.

Jessica Thompson said...

Wow that's crazy. Followed!

CycloneX said...

See, I freakin' love nature docs, and sometimes I think I am the only one. Got Planet Earth on Blu-ray, shit is so cash.

triade said...

cool post,

Ozymandias said...

Great post and this documentary is indeed awesome i recommend it.

The reviewer said...

nice video lol that jaguar is a ninja was beast lol was sick but yea lol should check out my page when you have a chance.