Sunday, 19 June 2011

Geography, round 2

So the tectonic paper was a welcomed relief after tuesdays exam. The question was about assessing the importance of physical and human factors in tectonic hazards, whcih was a fantastic question. Still, despite it being a 1.30 hour exam, the tightest timings ever, my bladder still decided it needed to release itself so I had to miss exam time to go to the loo. Bad times. Still, pretty sure the exam went well.. Guess i'll find out in August.


Shahan said...

Hope you get good results, you shoulda hidden some reference sheets in the toilet haha

mens said...

I always have to go to the toilet during an exam,
hope your result will be good!

polatzki said...

honestly.. hiding some reference sheets always worked well for me. just hide it the way no one can find it and you'll be fine.

jamjar919 said...

sounds hard...

Shaw said...

You gotta go when you gotta go

Daily Car Reviews said...

Lol, i think u passed the exam!
always make things easy for urself!

jspun said...

I took GEOG1F91 at brock university twice because i loved it so much. Naw I'm kidding, I failed it the first time around and got a mercy 50 percent the second time lol. Glad there are actually people who enjoy it though

Jandro said...

hope you did well man.

Steve said...

How did it go?