Monday, 1 August 2011


On the 18th of this month, result day rolls around which will decide whether or not I have achieved the grades to attend Portsmouth University to continue my studies of Geography.

Fingers crossed!


James said...

good luck on whatever you choose bro :)


Shaw said...


David said...


Unknown said...

good luck!

Zack said...


Mekkor said...

good luck and let us know when you got more info :D

Michael Kato said...

What GPA do you need to get in?

FeurFenix said...

best of luck to you!

This Guy said...

Hope it goes good for whatever you choose!

BeanoKUSH said...

good luck man

mentats4me said...

Good luck +followed
idk what id do if I didn't make the grades

Shockgrubz said...

Great luck to ya!

Jake said...

Good luck man! +1 followed

Slevin said...

wish you best luck :)

Dragmire said...

Good luck with that dude.

amorsanguino said...

Best of luck!

SilverWolf said...

as everyone else already said, good luck.

Styron said...

good luck man!

amorsanguino said...

Good luck, sincerely.