Friday, 25 February 2011

Ocean Infographic

This is an infographic I stumbled upon which was very interesting, thought i'd share it with you.

You may have noticed a while back I wrote a blog post about number 5 on the infographic.


ThingsIThinkAbout said...

That's pretty interesting. Some of the stuff I knew, but the fact that coral is similar to bone was surprising.

Alfred S. said...

very interesting!!!

Piepants said...

Holy crap that fish was massive. Also didn't know the highest tsunami was 210ft. that's ridiculous.

D22 Zone said...

Nice facts, certainly didn't know any of these! thanks for sharing!

Have fun! said...

wow this post is the best i ve red in the last time! very useful informations!

Ian Maguire said...

Some really enlightening facts there :D

Anonymous said...

Friggin tsunamis...
Good post man, will definitely read more in the future!

AdamScottson said...

cool stuff. plan on following. i love these neat facts

PoliticallyInsane said...

Wow, it only takes 7 degrees to melt the ice?

Dr. Goodsex said...

Very interested infographic. Perhaps make it just a little bit more landscape.

Lazer said...


Nina said...

The ocean terrifies me...

J L said...

Very cool, I juust followed your blog so I hope you will post more infographics, I love them... check out my blog and follow me back!

Anonymous said...


ed said...

wipe out every coastal city? that would suck

LunaSihne said...

Whoa. Not good.

CycloneX said...

I love infographics, hadnt seen this one yet.